UK Variant Landscape (Simplified)

Data updated 22-11-2024 at 07:22 using the latest COG-UK data with variants assigned using Nextclade.
This table groups selected variants and all of their sublineages into a single group. This is to simplify the table and make it easier to read. The data for every variant is still available in the full table.
Variant 08/09 - 14/09
(430 seq.)
15/09 - 21/09
(522 seq.)
22/09 - 28/09
(554 seq.)
29/09 - 05/10
(535 seq.)
06/10 - 12/10
(490 seq.)
13/10 - 19/10
(463 seq.)
20/10 - 26/10
(406 seq.)
27/10 - 02/11
(321 seq.)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # % # %
KP.3 (except KP.3.1.1)28566.2838172.9939771.6635065.4231664.4926857.8825061.5817955.76
Other Recombinant112.5640.7771.2661.1281.63132.81102.4661.87